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Sarah McIntosh, CNWI, KPA CTP

Dogs have been a part of Sarah McIntosh's life since she was a toddler, and as an adult, she participated in various forms of dog training and activities, including agility and clicker training. Sarah was introduced to Nose Work while looking for an activity to improve the quality of life of Journey, a deaf and blind cattle dog mix Sarah was fostering. Very active in rescue and having fostered close to 25 dogs throughout the years, Sarah always focused on the scared, shy, shutdown dogs who really needed to boost their confidence and become comfortable in their own skin. Having fostered deaf dogs who could see, and blind dogs who could hear, Sarah was initially challenged with Journey, who couldn't do either. Journey's sense of smell, however, like most dogs, was extraordinary. Through Nose Work, Journey blossomed and gained confidence, and the bond between Sarah and Journey grew very strong. Having fostered Journey for about a year, Sarah "foster failed" and adopted Journey. Having seen first hand how much Journey benefitted from Nose Work, Sarah was hooked, and Journey Nose Work, LLC, was born.

Sarah attended the NACSW (National Association of Canine Scent Work) Certified Nose Work Instructor Program and received her CNWI designation. She is also a Certified Training Partner through the Karen Pryor Academy (KPA CTP) to supplement K9 Nose Work® and help her clients further improve their communication and relationship with their dogs through positive reinforcement.


Sarah has also completed a Certificate in Applied Animal Behavior through the University of Washington.  She is also a NACSW Certifying Official and Judge for Nose Work Trials.

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About Sarah: About Me
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